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    Saturday, 25 August 2012
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    Kebijaksanaan Cinta

    Tuesday, 14 August 2012

    “Belajar Cinta Dari Cicak”

    Ketika sedang merenovasi sebuah rumah, seseorang mencoba merontokkan tembok. Rumah di Jepang biasanya memiliki ruang kosong di antara tembok yang terbuat dari kayu. Ketika tembok mulai rontok, dia menemukan seekor cicak yang terperangkap di antara ruang kosong itu karena kakinya melekat pada sebuah surat.
    Dia merasa kasihan sekaligus penasaran. Lalu ketika dia mengecek surat itu, ternyata surat tersebut telah ada disitu 10 tahun yang lalu ketika rumah itu pertama kali dibuat. Apa yang terjadi? Bagaimana cicak itu dapat bertahan dengan kondisi terperangkap selama 10 tahun? Dalam keadaan gelap selama 10 tahun, tanpa bergerak sedikitpun, itu adalah sesuatu yang mustahil dan tidak masuk akal. Orang itu lalu berpikir, bagaimana cicak itu dapat bertahan hidup selama 10 tahun tanpa berpindah dari tempatnya sejak kakinya melekat pada surat itu! Bagaimana ia makan? Orang itu lalu menghentikan pekerjaannya dan memperhatikan cicak itu. Apa yang dilakukan dan dimakannya hingga dapat bertahan. Kemudian, tidak tahu dari mana datangnya, seekor cicak lain muncul dengan makanan di mulutnya.....AHHH !!!. Orang itu merasa terharu melihat hal itu. Ternyata ada seekor cicak lain yang selalu memperhatikan cicak yang terperangkap itu selama 10 tahun. Sungguh ini sebuah cinta, cinta yang indah. Cinta dapat terjadi bahkan pada hewan yang kecil seperti dua ekor cicak itu. Apa yang dapat dilakukan oleh cinta? Tentu saja sebuah keajaiban. Bayangkan, cicak itu tidak pernah menyerah dan tidak pernah berhenti memperhatikan pasangannya selama 10 tahun. Bayangkan bagaimana hewan yang kecil itu dapat memiliki karunia yang begitu mengagumkan.

    Ketika seseorang berfikir tentang "cinta", seorang bijak justru menemukan kunci kebijaksanaan cinta dalam kehidupannya. Ia berpesan, "Jangan pernah kamu melupakan kesepuluh kunci ini ketika kamu mulai berfikir untuk mencintai seseorang",

    • Sangatlah menyakitkan mencintai seseorang, tetapi ia tidakmencintai kita. Namun lebih menyakitkan bila mencintai tetapi tidakmemiliki keberanian untuk menyatakannya.
    • Hanya perlu satu menit untuk menghancurkan seseorang karenacinta, satu jam untuk menyukai seseorang atau satu hari untukmencintainya. Tetapi membutuhkan waktu seumur hidup untuk memulihkan luka-luka karena cinta. Melupakan bukan selalu berarti memaafkan. Maka jangan pernah lari dari kenyataan cinta.
    • Mungkin Tuhan menginginkan kita untuk bertemu dengan orang yang tidak tepat sebelum kita menemukan orang yang tepat. Supaya ketika kita bertemu dengan orang yang tepat kita akan sadar betapa berharganya anugerah itu.
    • Cinta adalah ketika kamu menerima seluruh kelemahan kekasihmu, memeluknya sambil berkata "apapun yang terjadi aku tetap mencintai kelemahan mu" dan selalu ada air mata yang menyertai "Aku Cinta Padamu".
    • Benarlah bahwa kita tidak tahu apa yang kita dapatkan sampai kita kehilangan itu, Tetapi benar juga bahwa kita tidak tahu apa yang hilang sampai itu ada. maka sadarlah yang terbaik adalah yang Tuhan berikan bagi kita.
    • Janganlah mengharapkan cinta sebagai balasan, tunggulah sampai cinta itu bertumbuh dalam hatinya,jika tidak pastikan bahwa cinta itu tetap tumbuh dalam hatimu. Cinta yang murni adalah cinta yang hanya mengenal satu kata, yaitu "Memberi"
    • Ada hal yang ingin kamu dengar dari dia, tetapi dia diam seribubahasa, walau demikian janganlah kamu menjadi tuli ketika seseorang meneriakkan cinta dihatimu.
    • Jangan pernah berkata "Selamat tinggal" jika hatimu masih ingin mencobanya, jangan menyerah ketika kamu merasa masih dapat maju. Jangan pernah berkata "Aku tidak mencintaimu lagi" kalau kamu tidak dapat membiarkannya pergi untuk selamanya.
    • Cinta datang kepada mereka yang masih mempunyai harapan, walaupun 1001 kali mereka dikecewakan, kepada mereka yang masih percaya meskipun mereka telah dikhianati, kepada mereka yang memiliki keberanian untuk membangun kepercayaan "sekali lagi" ketika kekecewaan itu ada.
    • Permulaan cinta adalah membiarkan mereka yang kita cinta menjadi diri mereka sendiri, orang berbahagia karena cinta tidak pernah memiliki seluruh apa yang mereka impikan, mereka hanya melakukan 1 hal yaitu cinta yang cukup untuk menutup kelemahan kekasih mereka ..... 

    “Love = Waiting 4 A Bus.... Ada Benernya Sih...”


    Cinta itu sama seperti orang yg sedang menunggu bis..
    Sebuah bis datang, dan kamu bilang,..
    "Wah..terlalu penuh, sumpek, bakalan nggak bisa duduk nyaman neh!
    Aku tunggu bis berikutnya aja deh."
    Kemudian, bis berikutnya datang.
    Kamu melihatnya dan berkata,
    "Aduh bisnya kurang asik nih, nggak bagus lagi..nggak mau ah.."
    Bis selanjutnya datang, cool dan kamu berminat,
    tapi seakan-akan dia tidak melihatmu dan lewat begitu saja.
    Bis keempat berhenti di depan kamu.
    Bis itu kosong, cukup bagus, tapi kamu bilang,
    "Nggak ada AC nih, bisa kepanasan aku".
    Maka kamu membiarkan bis keempat itu pergi.
    Waktu terus berlalu,,
    kamu mulai sadar bahwa kamu bisa terlambat pergi ke kantor.
    Ketika bis kelima datang,
    kamu sudah tak sabar,
    kamu langsung melompat masuk ke dalamnya.
    Setelah beberapa lama, kamu akhirnya sadar kalau kamu salah menaiki bis.
    Bis tersebut jurusannya bukan yang kamu tuju!
    Dan kamu baru sadar telah menyiakan waktumu sekian lama..

    Moral dari cerita ini :

    sering kali seseorang menunggu orang yang benar-benar 'ideal'
    untuk menjadi pasangan hidupnya.
    Padahal tidak ada orang yang 100% memenuhi keidealan kita.
    Dan kamu pun sekali-kali tidak akan pernah bisa menjadi 100% sesuai
    keinginan dia. Tidak ada salahnya memiliki 'persyaratan' untuk 'calon',
    tapi tidak ada salahnya juga memberi kesempatan kepada yang berhenti di
    depan kita.
    Tentunya dengan jurusan yang sama seperti yang kita tuju.
    Apabila ternyata memang tidak cocok, apa boleh buat.
    tapi kamu masih bisa berteriak 'Kiri' ! dan keluar dengan sopan.
    Maka memberi kesempatan pada yang berhenti di depanmu,
    semuanya bergantung pada keputusanmu.
    Daripada kita harus jalan kaki sendiri menuju kantormu,
    dalam arti menjalani hidup ini tanpa kehadiran orang yang dikasihi.
    Cerita ini juga berarti,
    kalau kebetulan kamu menemukan bis yang kosong,
    kamu sukai dan bisa kamu percayai,
    dan tentunya sejurusan dengan tujuanmu,
    kamu dapat berusaha sebisamu untuk menghentikan bis tersebut di
    agar dia dapat memberi kesempatan kepadamu untuk masuk ke dalamnya.
    Karena menemukan yang seperti itu
    adalah suatu berkah yang sangat berharga dan sangat berarti.
    Bagimu sendiri, dan bagi dia.
    Lalu bis seperti apa yang kamu tunggu? :-)

    Cara Paling Mudah Membuka Situs Yang Di Blokir

    Monday, 6 August 2012
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    Valentino Rossi "The Legend Of MotoGP"

    Valentino Rossi (born in Urbino , Italy , February 16th 1979 , age 30 years) is a Grandprix motor racer in the world championship after the era of Michael Doohan , with heading a world champion in four different classes diraihnya within seven years berkarir.Ia is wrong a most successful racer of all time, with 9 World Champion title. The issue of American sports magazine, Sports Ilustrated, Rossi is one of the greatest athletes in duunia wage, it employed an estimated $ 34 million in 2007, son of the former 250 cc Grand Prix racer Graziano Rossi and Stefania Palma holds many diraihnya record and performance beyond many senior. Total racer this eccentric chronicle ninth world title, once in the 125cc class, once in the 250cc class, and seven times in the top class, 500cc and MotoGP
    After his father, Graziano Rossi, Rossi started racing in Grand Prix in 1996 for Aprilia in the 125cc category and won the first World Championship the following year. From there, he moved to the 250cc category with Aprilia and won the 250cc World Championship in 1999, it won the 500cc World Championship with Honda in 2001, the MotoGP World Championships (also with Honda) in 2002 and 2003, and continue to win victories beruntunnya world championships in 2004 and 2005, after leaving Honda to join Yamaha, prior to reclaim the title in 2008 and defended it in 2009.
    Rossi is first in the standings most race wins in the history of 500 cc / MotoGP, with 77 victories, and second in all time overall wins standings with 103 race wins (behind Giacomo Agostini with 122).


    Born To Race


    Rossi was born to be a racer, it grows very dilingkungan support his career. His father, Graziano Rossi is a great racer absences 70s. It automatically dilingkungan a thick atmosphere of racing. When kids his age were preoccupied with toys, Rossi plays with a real motor racing in the middle of the paddock famous drivers or Loris Reggiani Luca Cadalora.




    When you first join Gp 500cc with Doohan former team, which is headed by an Australian reliable mechanic named Jerremy Burgess , paddock atmosphere is very influenced temperament temperamental Doohan. All mechanics and staff team looks serious and tends to pressure. This atmosphere for Rossi so ridiculous, he said he can not imagine membalap without it fun, then when he started winning, he was determined to celebrate mass, he said he just wanted to do something new, show emotions racing win.
    Since that moment, so its victory party in particular. Not only with friends, as well as thousands of supporters thronged the circuit. By its actions, Rossi was like a magnet that draws people to watch the GP. Connoisseurs will recall the GP will give a lift in action fansnya the costumed chicken around the circuit, a lift in action fans dressed doctor, he was also riding a giant figure as a symbol of world champion, also stunts wheelie and burnout his already incalculable each victory. They also often provide knee or his hat to fansnya to throw when you're on the podium. "Valentino is a great fighter. But they also know that if we are in the middle of the entertainment business. So it's also entertaining, "said Burgess.


    Nickname Rossi


    In the course of balapnya rossi frequently changed nicknames and do things that attract attention and entertain. It reasoned that all is done starting with the intention of having fun and doing something funny.

    Rossifumi Rossi nickname created by his friend when Rossi membalap in the 125cc class this nickname was created because Rossi impressed with typical Japanese racer with long hair, Norick Abe who is currently 17 years old and hard fight with Michael Doohan and Kevin Scwantz classified 500cc, because The original name of the Japanese racer Norifumi Abe then dubbed Rossifumi.Tahun 2004 Rossi Rossi and Abe together to defend Yamaha team but the difference is within a graphic, that biru.Rossi color casts are Gauloises Fortuna Yamaha Team team while Abe Fortuna Gauloises Tech auspices 3 Yamaha Team.

    Valentinik nickname is derived from the figure of a Daffy Duck cartoon superhero in Italy named Paperinik. Epithets were used during membalap in the 250cc class.

    The Doctor Once up to the 500cc class in the 2000 season Rossi dub him The Doctor because membalap in the 500cc class takes seriousness and she felt herself not a kid again, except that it also liked the idea sebagi illmuwan crazy and do crazy experiments, it considers rapid wear nickname after a performance as a world champion. "In the 500cc race we do not need a superhero. We need only quiet, calm, and think like a doctor, "he said. In addition, the name of Valentino in Italy most used by physicians. It also began to reduce the victory celebration that it considers it inappropriate to do. "Just by waving like other drivers, and an all-out party night with my friends I am."


    Move to Yamaha


    at the end of the 2003 season ahead of the 2004 season Valentino Rossi made ​​a surprising decision. It decided the emigration of a team that is a team that time dibelanya manufacturer Honda, Repsol Honda HRC has delivered himself won the world champion in 2002 and 2003 and brought Doohan grab world champion in 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 also Alex Criville became world champion in 1999. Rossi decided to leave the super team and choose to join with the Yamaha team, who last won the world champion in 1992 by racer Wayne Rainey . Rossi moved to Yamaha team alone, it also brings Jerremy Burgess, formerly head of mechanical Doohan and Criville also address. They perform a series of tests to fix the motor technology Yamaha YZR M1 Rossi's to be able to compete with the most powerful motor in MotoGP currently, the RC211V Honda ownership.
    About this kepindahannya, many of which do not count and pessimistic it will be able to defend the title of champion. One pessimistic statement came from Max Biaggi, bebuyutannya enemy say, "I do not think he moved to Yamaha, but anyway it will be hard to beat Honda. Rossi himself even less optimistic it can maintain its world champion. "We take time to appear competitive, to win in his first season with Yamaha obviously very difficult". But it mementahkan all the pessimistic view. even on the first series 2004 season at the GP Welkom , South Africa he beat Max Biaggi who mengendari Honda motor, albeit with a very tight game, with yamaha motor, which terakhirnaik podium of 1992 !! even in 2004 and 2005 Rossi became world champion with Yamaha! and became the first racer yamaha the most champions in a single season (rossi champion 9 times during the season 2005)


    Others about Rossi


    Mick Doohan: "He did it (membalap) is far more serious than I am."

    Max Biaggi : "How could he just finish the first year nine times and suddenly can dominate like that?. All the drivers felt the same: they (Honda) gave him a great motor, and only he can. They do everything to make him win. "

    Randy Mamola : If there is a track and all drivers wear motor technology and the same machine, the motor will continue to champion the yellow numbered 46 VALENTINO ROSSI!

    Michael Schumacher : "Rossi will reap success as my friend Michael Doohan. He's a talented young man and can do anything with a motor. "




    Rossi tries to keep his personal life from the public eye as much as possible, even if it does not make a secret about his favorite on Italian football club Inter Milan. Rossi often watch Inter Milan direct competition with the players sit with their proposals. Rossi been close friends with Inter Milan player Marco Materazzi and Balotelli, even shortly after winning the German Grand Prix in 2006 Rossi celebrate by wearing a football shirt Italy's Materazzi numbered 23. After Rossi won the ninth World title in October 2009, Inter congratulated Rossi on their official website. Rossi is also a lefty.




    Rossi's famous pet dog named Guido, English bulldog who has owned since 2000. After Guido Rossi frequently around the world can not live in London and lived with his mother in Tavullia Rossi. Rossi could only see the dog while visiting his mother. Guido the picture has become the mascot of the motor seat and helmet Rossi, died after the 2008 Australian GP, ​​and to pay tribute, Rossi planned a special sticker with a pair of wings pictorial Guido heavenly angels are floating on a cloud. Guido has had several others on a motor show Rossi. The remaining 32 points in the championship in 2006, Guido dress with Inuit settings. Guido also wearing custody for pre-season test.
    Guido's death has attracted so much attention as mentioned in the Italian sports newspaper Gazzetta dello most prestigious Sport. Sang dog even starred Quarantasei, a graphic novel produced by Milo Manara contain fiction about the adventures of Valentino Rossi and eventually achieve success in motor racing.
    Since the death of Guido, Rossi now has two new dogs (one male and one female), the new dog named Cesare and Cecilia. During the Misano GP in 2009, right after Rossi made a mistake in Indianapolis, the two dogs were wearing donkey ears on Valentino helmet.




    1985 Go-kart first.
    1989 Debut karting racing 60cc.
    1990 Champion 60cc regional karting championship, winning nine times.
    1991 Level 5 Junior Championship kart Italian first plunge.
    1992 Champion Endurance Italian minibike.
    1993 Stage 12 Italian 125cc Sport Production championship, with Cagiva motor.
    1994 Italian 125cc Sport Production Championship, with Cagiva motor.
    1995 Italian 125cc champion; stage 3, stage 11 125cc European Championship.
    1996 Stage 9 Grandprix 125cc, 125cc European Championship level 10.
    1997 125cc Grand Prix World Champion, won 11 victories from 15 races.
    1998 Runner-up Grand Prix 250cc, Nastro Azzurro Aprilia.
    1999 250cc Grand Prix World Champion, Aprilia Grand Prix.
    2000 Runner-up Grand Prix 500cc, Nastro Azzurro Honda.
    2001 500cc Grand Prix World Champion, Nastro Azzurro Honda.
    2002 MotoGP World Champion, Repsol Honda Team.
    2003 MotoGP World Champion, Repsol Honda Team.
    2004 MotoGP World Champion, Gauloises Fortuna Yamaha team.
    2005 MotoGP World Champion, Gauloises Yamaha team.
    2006 Runner Up MotoGP, the Camel Yamaha team.
    2007 Level 3 MotoGP, Fiat Yamaha team.
    2008 MotoGP World Champion, Fiat Yamaha team.
    2009 MotoGP World Champion, Fiat Yamaha team.

    * Much more performance the doctor is not in writing .. including record-rekornya .. ask directly aja ..

    Stories Not Ended

    Not many MotoGP riders who can be considered a legend. Not many MotoGP riders who adored not only because it is so champion. And not many MotoGP riders always be the center of attention both from the positive side or the negative side. From that not much is Valentino Rossi is one of them.

    Here is a summary of the career journey Valentino Rossi in the world of motor racing accomplishments since season 1996 to 2010 season.

    1996 Debut Debut early diajang Valentino Rossi started the world of motor racing with 125cc classes. Aprilia motors, Rossi became the sole rider team Scuderia AGV. Helm Italian production that is worthy to bring Rossi to world class racing. Perhaps the Rossi kaena very fanatical and loyal to the AGV to date. Sometimes different than the other riders who wear ordinary clothes last name in racing, Rossi menulliskan Rossifumi name is a combination of his name and his rider idol moment, Norifumi Abe (Japanese original GP500 rider, better known by the name of Norick Abe). Rossi passed his first season with pretty impressive. He successfully gained the podium twice. Once in position the 3rd and the other in the draw. In kelasemen end, Rossi perched on the 9th.

    1997 First performance & amp; Early Hostility In his second season in the 125cc class, Rossi gets new sponsor from an Italian beer company, Nastro Azzurro. While the AGV will be private sponsors. With experience in a year, Rossi appears very dominant in the 1997 season of the 15 series is called, Rossi won the draw 11 times, once a runner-up finish and once in the 3rd position.

    It can win easily, Rossi already started "berulah". Rossifumi leading rider selebrasi so unique. He brought (and fondle) replica doll Claudia Schiffer, has also pose a la Superman & amp; Robin Hood. Seconds to make sure the title of champion in his hand, Rossi tote a large figure 1.

    In addition to performance, the 1997 also marked the start of hostilities, with Max Biaggi. Italian rider Biaggi idol moment. He already won the GP250 three times in a row with aprilia, the 1997 season Biaggi chasing a fourth title with Honda. As recounted in the book autobiogafinya Rossi " What If I Had Never Tried It? ", it starts when hostilities are over race press conference in Shah Alam, Malaysia. Starting from the questions of journalists on Rossi: "What do you want to be Biaggi 125cc version?" With cuek Rossi said: "Sorry, it looks like he is actually a dream to become Rossi with his 250cc motor." Rossi answer is that it makes heavy offended Biaggi. By the next draw which took place in Japan, they accidentally meet in a restaurant. Rossi, Biaggi approached him and said: "Before commenting about me should wash your mouth first." And hostilities two top Italian rider boy started.

    1998 Class Upgrade Successfully won the 125cc class, Rossi got a chance to ride the 250cc class at the 1998 season is still with the manufacturer Nastro Azzurro Aprilia and sponsor her. Although a rookie, Rossifumi already be one candidate the winner. He is competing with two other Aprilia rider, Loris Capirossi and Tetsuya Harada. First season in the 250cc class at the position already ended runner-up under fellow countryman Loris Capirossi.

    1999 Tradition Champion in Season 2: Rossi to replace (rather add) the name of Rossifumi so Valentinik Rossifumi. Valentinik name is a combination of his first name with the name of the comic figure of her idol. Selebrasi most unique when it is pat the feet and in the toilet at the edge of the circuit of Jerez (selebrasi diulangnya then again when displayed on the MotoGP 2009).

    Like the time in the 125cc class, Rossi through his second season with the fantastic. Posted podium 12 times from 16 series of diperlombakan, 9 of which top the podium. Rossi already successfully shifting Capirossi 250cc world champion.

    2000 Joins with The King Up to 500cc class, Rossi had to leave because of Aprilia's 500cc motor is less competitive Italian manufacturer. Potential as a rider, not difficult for Rossi to get a place in the top class. Honda is happy to welcome him. Arrival in class kings even directly addressed by two big names that is 5 times GP500 world champion Mick Doohan with the former head of his mechanic Jeremy Burgess.

    While Max Biaggi celebrates bebuyutannya enemy with a cynical comment. "Now it must remove and store all the goods toys to a closet, because it's not a clown kid now."

    The Italian rider even then undergo season in 2000 with more focus to beat each other to grab the title of world champion. The climax occurs when GP Mugello. Both mutual lag lagging in the front row. They're really obsessed to show the public a greater Italy who between them. What happened then, both falling and the draw finally grabbed by another Italian rider, Loris Capirossi.

    Rossi ended his first season in the top class with his first season in the 250cc class, the runner-up at the end kelasemen.

    2001, the New King of Fire hostility between Valentino Rossi vs. Max Biaggi already raging in season 2000 so the 2001 season flared open war has already begun on the first draw held at the Suzuka circuit, Japan. Rossi begins now to be passing Biaggi. Rossi, Biaggi unexpectedly prevented the crane arm elbow. This makes Rossi cash out lap. Luckily he can still control the motor and could return to the track. When akhinrnya Rossi successfully led Biaggi, as he crossed the corner Rossi stretched middle finger.

    Incident and become big news around the globe. Many deplore the action because it was considered inappropriate Rossi made by a public figure in front of millions of viewers who saw both directly and through the airwaves. However, there were some who criticized the behavior of the evaluated Biaggi very unsportsmanlike.

    Hostility two Italian riders can not seem to have been unavoidable. When the GP Catalunya, both involved physical contact (a real fight) just before the rise of the podium. Although none Cameraman successfully capture the event, but the reporter could hear the noise clearly from the back wall. Again condemnation for both rider was inevitable.

    The next series at Assen, Dorna initiative reconcile the rider on the board. In front of thousands of journalists, Rossi and Biaggi shook hands and menyungging smile. But anyway it was only ceremonial events alone. Clearly their enmity never subside, only since it is no longer overtly.

    This 2001 season was the last time diperlombakan 500cc class. Rossi period began using the nickname, "The Doctor" was successful 500cc class champion for the last time.

    2002 Transition Time Early 2002 season could hang the fate of The Doctor. That's because he insisted stay afloat in the team with one rider. Since the fighting in the 125cc to 500cc, Rossi had never had a teamate. But MotoGP regulations require that the main team consists of two riders. Rossi finally "surrendered" to be ready to join the Repsol Honda team just a few days ahead of the series premiere begins.

    Season 2002 was the transition from the Grand Prix 500cc machine 2 not to MotoGP with no 990cc motor 4. Because it is still new, only rider from the team using the motor manufacturer 4 do not, while a satellite team rider still with no motor 2. In such situations, Rossi appears very dominant in season 2002 when His opponent is just someone who is Tohru Ukawa one teamnya. Japanese rider matches albeit arguably not very meaningful. While Max Biaggi too could not fight back because Yamaha YZR M1 motor its not comparable with the Honda RC211V dikendarai Rossi. MotoGP world champion class was easily won by The Doctor.

    2003 New Enemies Feel less able to compete with the new Yamaha motor, Biaggi decided to leave Yamaha and switch to Honda. Team Camel Honda Pons so his new place. Valentino Rossi celebrates "happy" coming of the Roman Emperor at Honda. It's time to prove who is more powerful between them. Note, before Biaggi often "ngeles" by saying his defeat by Rossi motor much better.

    An unpredictable, the main opponent in the 2003 season Rossi was actually coming from the Telefonica Movistar Honda team. He was Sete Gibernau, the Spanish rider who is currently just moved from Suzuki. Even so, The Doctor will be able to overcome the resistance Gibernau to ensure world title still in his hand. This raises the prompting tilt especially from Gibernau and Biaggi who consider children Honda meng-kan gold Rossi.

    Upset with oblique accusations that, at the end of the season, Rossi took a major decision to memandatangani new contract with Yamaha. News pullout Rossi from Honda so great news but still not escape from the presumption does not taste good. Rossi considered only concerned with the contract is higher. While Honda respond to prohibit any activity, especially Rossi did a test with Yamaha until the end of 2003.

    2004, Muting the Doubt Series premiere MotoGP 2004 held in South Africa Welkom circuit could be the one tie that will never be forgotten by Valentino Rossi. Rossi is where for the first time down the track with Yamaha. Rossi and there can be any doubt about kepindahannya membungkan to Yamaha. The circuit was successfully Rossi presents his first series championship title for Yamaha. Remarkably again, Rossi won it after winning a duel head to head against Biaggi.

    In the hands of The Doctor, the Yamaha YZR-M1 before reaching the podium so hard to change the motor so that it's easy not to be subdued. Current Australian MotoGP at Phillip Island circuit, Rossi make his first world title with Yamaha.

    2005 Peak of Success Valentino Rossi Yamaha underwent his second season with more lightly. With Colin Edwards, Rossi successfully tackle all heading title. World Champion Rider, Team and Constructor. Rossi won 11 times the draw of the last 17 ​​tie. But in this season for the first time Rossi was sure her world championship title without being the draw. That is when the MotoGP of Malaysia (Sepang circuit).

    Draw upon previous events in Motegi circuit, Japan seems to make Italian rider chose to appear safe in Sepang. Time series Motegi, Rossi failed to make her world title in his 5th top class (the 7th for all classes) because of an accident he had with a fellow countryman Marco Melandri.

    2006 Yamaha Panic peak performance earned Rossi and Yamaha in the 2005 season turned out not to be branded manufacturer tuning fork became quiet. Yamaha started the 2006 season with a million panic. It's all because of a desire to leave Yamaha The Doctor MotoGP and Formula 1 to the showground.

    There was panic then poured in an attempt to break the YZR-M1 that can be competitive and easy riding even carried by any rider. All in order to anticipate possible if true Rossi go. Unfortunately, they did even so disastrous for Yamaha.

    Motor in the previous season was dominated changing motor so that the full problem. Hard every vibration into the corner of the times it is known that the term " chatter "continue torturing Yamaha. Yet another technical problem. Rossi managed twice failed to finish because of crashed motor. The first occurs when the circuit was leading race Le Mans, France. The second occurred in the Laguna Seca circuit-American. Not to mention a few incidents that happened Rossi, including: Tony Elias hit prime time series at the Jerez circuit, then the accident is currently training session at Assen who fractured wrist The Doctor.

    Serangkain problems and heavy burden to defend her world title finally make mental Rossi fragile, too. The last draw took place at the Valencia circuit a bad memory for The Doctor. Could fall on the 5th lap Rossi should lose the crown to her world title.

    2007, the complaint Ban Failed to defend her world title in the 2006 season to make Rossi MotoGP undo his intention to leave the showground. Rossi even willing to extend his contract with Yamaha directly for two seasons. Something he had never done before.

    Too perfect focus motor Abuse defend his title in the 2006 season to make the float keteteran Yamaha 800cc motor is worn from the 2007 season Rossi in the season so the "moon-monthly" Casey Stoner rode a Ducati. The situation worsened with the enactment of new regulations on the restriction of use of tires.

    Previously, riders Michelin tire users are free to choose the right tire compound with the character and the character of the driver circuit. The original French tire manufacturer that was used to bring the tires with an infinite number and the compound is very specific request each rider. With the regulatory restrictions that make the Michelin riders scrambling because you do not yet have many options. This contrasts with the rider Bridgestone users already familiar "do not have much choice."

    Selkali again Rossi failed to win the crown of world champion. Even Rossi also failed to maintain the position of the runner-up at the end of the season. That's because in the last draw Rossi is not able to win by 1 point to use them to secure the position of attack Dani Pedrosa. But now that Rossi is still showing despite slashing injured as a result of an accident while training. More painfully, the failure was not because Rossi was not willing to undergo the race to the finish, but because of his Yamaha motor difficulties.

    2008 Il Ritardo Scusate Again Rossi initialize season competition with a variety of dipping comments. This time because the decision "to dismiss" Michelin and "forced" to menyuplai Bridgestone tires for it. This decision by the various groups considered only a Rossi effort to find a "scapegoat" for his defeat in the 2007 season.

    The assumption that more apparent when the tie-tie early keteteran Rossi. Especially when someone one teamnya, Jorge Lorenzo first major podium feels when she wears Michelin tires.

    Rossi felt more beautiful new high rise time MotoGP podium at the circuit Shanghai China. Since then Rossi back close to the main podium. The world title two years in a row lost even return to him. There's nothing wrong then celebrate the return of the crown champion Rossi to wear a T-shirt emblazoned with "Il Scusate Ritardo" (Sorry for the Delay).

    2009, the Enemy Within Blanket Valentino Rossi has apparently kissed behavior if someone one teamnya, Jorge Lorenzo will be opposing the grace of the 2009 season are asking is why Rossi Yamaha's management to keep separate between them. Rossi is still stubbornly defend the barriers that exist in the paddock Fiat Yamaha team. Previously,'s management as well as different wall paddock there because between Rossi and Lorenzo disupport by different tire manufacturers. In summer 2009, all riders using Bridgestone tires, followed suplier single tire regulations that apply.

    Rossi did not guess wrong. Season's biggest enemy is Jorge Lorenzo. Spanish rider is always membayanginya at crossings. Especially when the break Casey Stoner decided to restore sustainable condition, practical opponent Rossi "only" Lorenzo. Namu balapnya experience and skill that is of course higher than Lorenzo, Rossi managed to add to his world championship title.

    2010, Torno Subito 's management not happy with a different and walls, the 2010 season Rossi keep distance with Lorenzo by spoiled exchange data (data sharing) between them. Rossi was able to evade the question if the decision at the request of Lorenzo who want to develop their own motor, but still the public assumes it is inherent selfishness Rossi.

    Rossi start the 2010 season with excitement after successfully becoming a champion in the series premiere at Losail circuit, Qatar. Unfortunately the next two draws which in Jerez and Le Mans-Spanish-French, The Doctor dihabisi by teamate be exiled, Jorge Lorenzo.

    Do not want the far left, Rossi is determined to win the tie-Italian Mugello. As a rider who had 7 consecutive win there champion, Rossi had a big win in front of its public expectations own. But an incident when a training session Rossi should bury her dreams. The Doctor suffered a broken bone in his foot to the new estimated will appear when drawn 9th circuit Brno-Czech Republic.

    Rossi presence certainly highly anticipated by the MotoGP Mania worldwide. Not only by fans but also by its rival in MotoGP.

    The story is not over, sang the legend will be back soon to continue her story. Torno Subito, ciao ...

    My Love Story.. *First Love

    Saturday, 4 August 2012
    There are many types of shades ... but some people feel that I feel the most right now .. it is LOVE .. I have never felt this love before .. why I say that? it's because I have never felt such a deep love and meaningless as it is today .. yess! I really love him and do not know why .. I just know that I love him so bad .. One day, a time which makes me think, think about this love think about what I should do with this love .. I am 15 years old .. My teens .. I do not know what to do and time is running out so fast .. This condition has destroyed me .. the more I think about him, the more I love him .. we would be separated .. You know, I hate this part here .. after we graduated, we will not meet again .. but there are a few moments .. moments that will put an end to this love, it was his happy day ... I plan to buy something as a parting gift .. That's when her birthday .. I went to a store on the day before the happy day, I accompanied by my two best friends .. I bought a stuffed cat .. I then wrap with a beautiful ribbon .. I hope this will be something valuable for him .. I called him on the day happy and make some plans to bring us .. I work, we met at a plaza .. I give gifts and say that I love it .. He just smiled and said that he could not say anything .. then she said thank you and I go .. I walked with sadness in my shoulder, I had planned a lot of things with him as first and last time with him .. but I have to forget about it, because he did not want to .. he can not be with me .. I almost cried at that time .. actually not nearly .. but it really did cry .. I just wanted to look strong in front of me and my friends .. then an hour later, he sent me a message that he's sorry He said such a thing happened before .. he just see me as a friend, he liked me as a friend who is ready to help,, a friend who never stingy teraktir,, friend of the attention he needed a friend .. He even said that he would pray for me .. for me to find other women better than him is very difficult .. then he said sorry again and thanks to the happy smiles .. I acted like I was a strong man .. My reply to the message and said "Calm down, I could accept, we will be just as happy future" until the night comes .. I still think about it .. My heart feels very tight,,, I realized something .. My heart is broken .. I try to remember that moment and just makes me cry .. I have never cried because of love before, I just think that, maybe it was my first love .. Yeah .. he was my first love .. how poor I am .. how sad I am .. but now, I know I am a human being is no more .. I know what to do .. I tried to calm .. to reorganize my heart I want to go back to myself before I want to stop chasing more .. that day seemed to end the day .. I do not want to forget him .. I just know that I still love him no matter what may seem strange, but this is what I feel about this love .. love love love that can make me smile but could always make me cry .. and perhaps it is that we are better off just friends .. until now i still love her .. all the memories we are at school or wherever I'm with you now .. I still remember it ..